"Imagine."  Imagine this feeling of hope for a new world. Standing there in front of the United Nations monument in New York City, not far from the Statue of Liberty.

Standing in front of this gun-barrel tied in a knot. With the John Lennon song going through my mind. So I felt a connection of peace with people and with other countries.

 And then I offered "A Bowl of Tea for Peace into the Four Directions. Imagine all the people..."   These are the sentiments of Kenji Ueda. After the gun-killing of John Lennon, Carl Fredrik Reutersward from Sweden expressed his deep sad-ness by designing and casting this famous gun monument, known as "Non-Violence" or "The Knotted Gun." One of the earlier guns in the history is the famous Colt 45. It's the gun in all the cowboy and Indian movies. It was known as

"The Peace-maker" because of the big part it played in "pacifying the American West." Or, for destroying the native peoples in the last part of the 1800's. This was the peace-maker that made the American Dream possible. The designer could not have picked a more symbolic gun to tie-up into a knot.