Alcala was the first city in Christian Europa to be designed as a university city, not a city of commerce or trade or industry or defense or religion.
Inspired by the very high level culture of the Moors in Spain, Alcala became the model for other places of learning in Europa and throughout the Spanish Colonial Empire; universities in Mexico City, Texas, and San Diego.
Founded in 1499, just after the Moors were pushed out of Spain by Queen Isabella and King Ferdinando, and just after Columbus was commissioned by them to sail West to India. He sailed West, but did not reach India. What he saw before him was the beauty of the New World. What he did not see, was the future of these lands as colonial battle-fields and places of cultural destruction. But at the same time, Alcala was to become a great centre of learning, similar to the Horyu-ji of Shotoku Taishi. Especially a centre for the advancement of languages, and the place of her great sons:
Don Quixote and Sancho Panza and Cervantes. Here at this place of human beauty, Mariko and Paz offered "A Bowl of Tea." Mariko said that the "Jardines de la Paz" Peace Garden is in the old town of Alcala. Here Moors and Jews and Christians lived together from the 12-15th Centuries. After that the expulsions occured.
Paz-san and I offered "A Bowl of Tea for Peace" to Mother Earth and on the word Paz of the stone monument.
"Jardines de la Paz" is also very close to the place where Columbus met with Isabella and Ferdinando, asking for support for his vision of a ocean voyage to India."