Rare...... Rare indeed is such a place as Rasa. In Cento Vallee, in Ticino, in Confederation Helvitia, in Switzerland, on this Mother Earth

Under your feet is EARTH only for people. Walking on unpaved surfaces that do not really go anywhere. Cars are unknown; in fact they never existed here for the last 600 years.

WATER cold and clear flowing directly from the mountains into your room, into your kitchen, into your kettle for preparing a delicious Bowl of Tea for your guest sitting opposite you.

FIRE only for cooking most simple delicious feasts, for firing handmade tea bowls, for boiling water for a Bowl of Tea.

AIR so delicious you can actually enjoy breathing it, surviving only on it, existing on not much more than this. Magico, outside the norm of GNP, a step back and out of this world of materialism and  convenience, GNH, a place for retreat, a place of inner peace, good fortune, secretive, genuine, la Dolce Vita, not theatre, not show. Boring. A place and time for smile and good cheer. And good grappa.

 Come to Rasa in Switzerland this summer.

Make one or two beautiful Tea Bowls by only your own hands.

Take these Tea Bowls from the fire with your own hands.

Then make a delicious  "Bowl of Tea for Peace." A Bowl of Tea for your guest. For your self.

For Evi who showed you how to make such a beautiful piece.

It will be my great pleasure to show you how to make such a beautiful and delicious Bowl of Tea, according to the ancient Japanese tradition of Chado, the Way of Tea, the Way of Peace.

 Or.....just fall in love. With the place. With the quiet. With yourself,

With each other,

With Mother Earth.

We call this one week retreat the TEE-ART SEMINAR. In Rasa. One week together from August 19-25. For more information please contact Evi Kienast,  at www.raku-art.ch or Jack Convery Soko 宗好, at  www.shotoku-an.org or shotoku.an.kyoto@gmail.com