A young woman, a student-teacher at Shotoku-an, climbed to the top of Mauna Kea with her family. Her name is Yuko Soma. She carried with her, the tea-bowl "LIGHTNING of BLESSINGS," the newest member of the "KOSMOS Klan." This chawan is made from volcanic clay and ash from Hawaii, and was a gift from Shibata-sensei. So it is quite amazing that Yuko took this chawan for a tea offering to Hawaii.

 "Just to look-up at the countless stars in the heavens! At 4205 meters high, the trade winds easily break-up the cloud formations, so the air is clear and dry. Our guide talked about constellations, the names of stars, about Super Nova. He impressed all of us with his great regard for the vastness of the universe. He spoke seriously about how he came to care less about 'his' problems of sadness and anger; how such things mean so little to him when he looks into this space of the cosmos.

Then we moved on to a higher point to watch the morning sun rising-up from a boundless sea of clouds. Toward sunlight, I offered 'A Bowl of Tea for Peace' all around the world. I may have thouht about nothing. I may have not thought about anything. My body was full of delight. One man from China asked me what I was doing, and about the meaning of making tea. He seemed to be touched by the beauty of Chado. I heard that until the 1950's, only the Alli (the royal family of Hawaii) could climb to the top of The White Mountain Mauna Kea for prayer. Because only they could take over the minds of the gods. The people of Hawaii also say that the very very beautiful goddess of snow, Poliahu, resides here. And only she can win-over the beautiful Pere, the goddess of fire.

 Beautiful but irritable, never content to be second best, she attacks all even the weak without mercy. Because I would like to pray like the native people of Hawaii, at this place nearest to heaven, this fine view point, I felt I must offer 'A Bowl of Tea,' here at the top of Mauna Kea, the White Mountain. And on this last day we met an amazing beautiful big full-moon.

Now a part of America, but I felt Hawaii Island doesn't care who owns her, as nobody owns her! She is beauty and power beyond our imagination." by Yuko Soma